We help founders and teams achieve breakthroughs

Business Flippers’ group of subject matter experts have helped build and launch solutions that impact millions of people. We aim for 10x the impact, not minor improvements.

We offer three tiers of service

Tier 1: Consultation

This is our base level of service. It’s designed to answer questions and provide advice on how to develop your business. If you’re still unsure about what direction you want to take with your company, this is a great option for you.

Tier 2: + On-site support

If you have already decided what direction you want your business to go in, but need help implementing it, this tier is for you. We’ll come on site and work with your team directly to turn our ideas into reality.

Tier 3: + Milestone guarantee

If you’ve already gotten started on your own ideas and need someone who can help guarantee those milestones get met, this is where we come in. With us as an accountability partner, we can make sure every step along the way gets completed on time—and that means less stress for everyone involved.